More of a Comment, Really…: CAM’s Daniel Goldhaber on the Lines Between Porn, Cinema and Horror
For our first episode, we talk to the director of Netflix’s camgirl thriller CAM about finding horror and empathy in online sex work.
For our first episode, we talk to the director of Netflix’s camgirl thriller CAM about finding horror and empathy in online sex work.
Netflix’s sex-positive teen dramedy offers up raunch and affection in equal measure.
Director Daniel Goldhaber and screenwriter Isa Mazzei explore the complexities of online sex work with a fascinating thriller about a camgirl facing an identity crisis. […]
Despite a stellar cast and some good intentions, Jason Reitman’s political drama about the rise of the tabloid age does a little too much finger-wagging […]
The Chicago International Film Festival keeps chugging along this week, and so does our coverage. From upcoming big indie films to smaller local works, to […]
Horror Octorbor keeps on chugging, as we keep exploring the seven deadly sins with our entry for Lust, Species! This 1995 sexy-alien chiller (courtesy of Dante’s Peak and The November […]
The 36th annual LGBTQ+ film fest starts up this week in Chicago, and we talk about some of the queer films we most look forward […]
Happy New Year, listeners! Since it’s 2016, we thought we’d kick things off with John Hughes’ cult comedy classic Sixteen Candles – you know, the one with […]
This week on Alcohollywood, we take a break from video games, space cats and gangster lizards to take on something a little more sensitive – […]
One award loss and one sprained ankle later, Jared and Clint return from Vegas to resume their duties as your humble hosts! This time, friend […]