Leaving Las Vegas (1995)

leaving las vegas

This week on Alcohollywood, playwright Dusty Wilson joins us to talk 1995’s Leaving Las Vegas, starring Academy Award-winning Nicolas Cage (in a role that gives his craziness some context and pathos) and Oscar-nominated Elizabeth Shue in one of her finest, most sensitive roles, as a drunkard and a prostitute who spend several weeks together in Vegas while the former drinks himself to death. It’s not the lightest material a drinking games/alcohol-based podcast can cover, but the complex psychology of its characters and dreamlike narrative give us plenty to chew on (much like our Lost Weekend episode, linked below!). Be sure to sit back and enjoy this deviously melancholy drama with our custom cocktail and drinking game!

Related Links:

LAMBCast #265 – Clint’s Guest Spot on the Furious 7 Episode
Alcohollywood’s Live from NMX Vegas Episode on Diamonds Are Forever, with special guest John Campea
Our Episode on The Lost Weekend (another serious film about alcoholism)


THIS EPISODE’S DRINK: Gooey Blender Drink

leaving las vegas cocktailDerived from the Vegas Blowjob, we attempted to combine the numerous drinks that Nic Cage imbibes during his suicidal bender into one fruity, easy-to-imbibe cocktail that embodies the ‘gooey blender drink’ he tempts a woman with early in the film. Combining gold and silver rums, along with a heavy hit of citrus from the flavored vodka, lime and pineapple, this blended drink oughta serve as a fine accompaniment to the film (provided you drink responsibly, of course; enjoy Cage’s breakdown in small doses, don’t try to match him. Down that way lies madness).

Equal parts:
gold rum
silver rum
citrus vodka
curacao (clear preferred)
pineapple juice
lime juice

Combine in a blender filled with ice; blitz and serve straight up with a pineapple wedge.


  1. Whenever someone gives Nic Cage unsolicited advice about his drinking or mentions how much he drinks
  2. Every time the dialogue cuts out of the scene
  3. Any time the film cuts to one of Elizabeth Shue’s mysterious confessionals


Cage says, “See how hard you make me, angel?”

Come play-ee-ay with us next week as we try to get back to our neighborhood with Walter Hill’s gang thriller The Warriors!

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The film staff of the film website/podcast Alcohollywood.

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