In advance of Daily Grindhouse and AV Club’s midnight screenings of Craig Denney’s bizarre cult hit The Astrologer at the Music Box, I wrote a review attempting to put into words the sheer craziness of the unreleasable 70s curio. Read my review here.

Over at COS, I ushered in the release of Netflix’s latest big-budget sci-fi series Altered Carbon by speaking to Loyola neuroscientist Dr. Virginie Aubert about the science of sleeving, and our understanding of consciousness. Read my Q&A with her here.
Last weekend, Netflix quietly dropped Hungary’s Best Foreign Film Oscar nominee, On Body and Soul – it’s an intriguing, if overlong and airless, exploration of the complexities of love in an alienated, modern setting. Also, there are dream deer. Read my review here.

The Alcohollywood podcast has finally returned! Longtime guest Nick Freed returns to help us unpack the weirdness of the 2011 found-footage alien horror flick Apollo 18. Check out the podcast here.
Meanwhile, I got to check out Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s weirdly endearing, but incredibly long and slow-paced, alien invasion dramedy Before We Vanish, about a trio of aliens who take human form to basically undergo pre-invasion sensitivity training. Read my review here.